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The Trick To Long Term Weight Loss.

Why cutting calories and dieting and increasing activity DOSEN'T work long term.

strong women lifting weights

It's a common misconception that cutting calories and increasing activty or the amount of cardio you do is the fastest way to lose weight.

Why your diet isn't working.

While it may put you in a calorie deficit and help you lose weight initially, your body will eventually adapt to the new routine and you'll need to cut more calories and workout more to continue seeing results.

The endless cycle.

So you cut your calories and workout even more and you body just keeps adapting. This cycle can be frustrating and is unsustainable in the long run. You go to the gym every day for a month and diet hard until you just can't keep going any longer. Then not only do you gain the weight you lost back, you might even put on more weight as your motabilism is not use to eating a normal amount of calories every day anymore.

"49% will give up on their health goals entirely after the first setback such as enjoying a sweet treat or a night out" – Richard Jenkins

Why it's so difficult to lose weight long term.

I know, like many people, I have been impatient when waiting to see results from a new workout plan; I have felt disheartened when I've compared myself to others on social media; and I have wondered what I'm doing wrong.

Unfortunately the truth is healthy habits have to be built up over time and continued for a long time before you see results and healthy habits do not include:

  • Over restricting yourself massively on what food you can eat.

  • Doing an unrealist amount of exercise every day.

  • Starting a fitness journey due to hating yourself instead of using it as a form of self care.

What to do instead.

Instead, focus on building muscle and strength consistantly over time with a healthier diet (don't worry if you have a mcdonalds every now and then - you don't have to be prefect to make progress).

This will improve your metabolism, making it easier to stay lean and help you with long term weight loss.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race.

Meal Ideas

You can follow me on Instagram and Facebook and see some healthy recipes I've already cooked up. Feel free to also send me a message if you have any questions.

Loaded wedges meal

Lets Chat

If you need any help in your fitness journey, whether your a seasoned gym go-er or completely new to fitness, I can help you achieve your goal. Click here to book a consultation with me to learn more.

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