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Rethinking Exercise: It's Not About Calories Burned!

When it comes to exercise, many of us have been conditioned to focus on one thing: calories burned. But what if I told you that the true value of exercise isn't in the number of calories you burn during a workout?

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The Adaptation Principle

Exercise is all about your body adapting to training. When you work out, your body quickly adapts to the calories being burned and changes other behaviours to ensure you don’t burn as much next time. This is a natural survival mechanism designed to conserve energy.

The Pitfalls of High-Intensity Training

High-intensity training, such as circuit training, often focuses on burning more and more calories. It's easy to get hooked on the dopamine high after completing these intense workouts, which can reinforce the idea that this type of exercise is the best for us. However, this isn't necessarily the case, especially if your goal is to lose fat.

While high-intensity workouts are beneficial in moderation, they can lead to an unsustainable cycle of eating less and doing more to continue to progress. This approach can lead to burnout and may not be the most effective way to achieve long-term health and fitness goals.

The Value of Weight Training

At first glance, weight training might seem like the least valuable exercise as it burns fewer calories than other activities such as running for the same amount of time. But when we look at the long-term effects, a different picture emerges.

Weight training helps your body adapt and grow muscle, which means you’ll burn more calories at rest. You'll also have a faster metabolism, become more insulin sensitive, and improve your mobility. When you consider these benefits, weight training seems far more valuable than just running for the same amount of time.


In conclusion, it's time to shift our focus from calories burned to how our bodies adapt to exercise. Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination. It's about making sustainable changes that help us live healthier, happier lives.

If you would like to know more about creating an effective gym programme to achieve your fitness goals feel free to contact me to learn more.

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