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Quick Tips To Make Fitness Progress

Remember fitness is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the process and celebrate you progress!

two women smiling after a workout in the gym

Tip #1 - Set goals

Set specific goals for yourself in the short and long term, and keep track of your progress as you go.

Tip #2 - Work smarter

Adapt your workout to your goals and pair the right exercises together to get the most out of each session.

Tip #3 - Don't forget to rest

Make sure you are taking enough rest days to give your body a chance to refuel for your next workout.

If you are constantly injured this could be a sign of overtraining or bad technique. It might be a good time to take a break and do some other forms of activity such as yoga, stretching and trigger sessions.

Learn more about why rest days are important here.

Tip #4 - Challenge yourself

As certain exercises become easier, start progressively adding a little more difficulty or changing your routine to shock your body.

"After about 16 weeks or four months, there's a point of diminishing returns. If you haven't changed up your workouts, the body will stop responding." – Paige Waehner, CPT

An easy way to know it's time to change up your routine is when you hit a plateau and stopped making progress and your bored with your workouts and no longer looking forward to them.

Tip #5 - Enjoy the journey.

Remember fitness is a journey, not a destination. If you don't enjoy the process and celebrate you progress you are unlikely to stick with your routine so make sure it works for you!

Lets Chat

I hope that these quick tips help you to make fitness progress to meet your goals!

If you need any help in your fitness journey, whether your a seasoned gym go-er or completely new to fitness, I can help you achieve your goal. Click here to book a consultation with me to learn more.

You can also follow me on Instagram and Facebook to get more tips and see some healthy recipes I've cooked up! Feel free to also send me a message if you have any questions.

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