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Quick Peanut Butter Christmas Cookies

If you need a snack but don't want to spend all day baking this quick and easy cookie recipe is for you!

Christmas Cookie Jar

This recipe makes 12 large peanut butter cookies!


  • 480g Smooth Peanut Butter

  • 200g Light Brown Sugar

  • 2 Large Eggs

  • Chocolate Chips (optional)

Ingrediants for white icing (optional):

  • 100g icing sugar

  • Water

Peanut Butter Cookie Recipe:

  1. Preheat the oven to 150C and cut baking paper and place over a baking tray.

  2. Add peanut butter, brown sugar and eggs into a bowl into a bowl and mix well until combined.

  3. Add a good amount of chocolate chips to the bowl as well and mix them in.

  4. Scoop out the mixture using a tablespoon to get 12 equal balls of cookie dough.

  5. Roll the dough into a ball and place on the baking tray and lightly into circles. Ensure there's a gap in between the dough as it will spread out in the oven.

  6. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden.

  7. Once cooked, leave the cookies to cool for 20 minutes meanwhile, mix the icing sugar and water together into a thick paste and spread over the cookies after they have cooled down.

  8. Enjoy your peanut butter Christmas cookies!

Approx. marco breakdown:

324 Kcal

21.9g Carbs

10.4g Protein

21.6g Fat

2.6g Fibre

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